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Why Your Association Needs Artificial Intelligence Today


Artificial intelligence (AI) is often viewed with apprehension. However, rather than being a substitute for human beings, it complements our work and day-to-day experiences. From improving staff productivity to optimizing the member experience, AI is a powerful tool for associations of all sizes.

Anticipate member needs, provide better value

Like business analytics tools, AI supports advanced data analysis and reporting. However, rather than requiring a full-time analyst on the payroll to conduct analysis, AI is capable of automatically delivering insights in real-time, freeing up staff time that would otherwise be spent navigating data and manually running analyses. Additionally, AI often finds trends and insights that an analyst would have never even thought to look for. And with predictive analytics powered by AI, associations can more accurately anticipate what content, events, or products members might have an interest in. With better insights, changes in membership or engagement trends can be revealed so associations can act proactively to improve the member experience.

Support member self-service, increase staff productivity

By next year, Gartner estimates that 85% of customer service transactions will be handled by AI powered chat-bots. For associations considering implementing software with AI capabilities, this is a great opportunity to boost staff productivity, especially for associations with small staff sizes. If staff can turn over tasks to AI and don’t have to focus significant time taking care of simple queries like how to register for an event, change their membership level, or update their mailing address, an enormous amount of time is freed up for them to focus on other tasks to provide better value to members.

How to get started with AI

Even small- to medium-sized organizations could benefit from adopting an artificial intelligence tool – its reduced cost and usability make it accessible to all, not just enterprise organizations. In fact, the modern data-driven economy demands that organizations leverage data to inform their decisions, and AI makes that easier. Get our guide to learn more about how associations can leverage AI today.

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