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Dutch Cancer Society

KWF Kankerbestrijding , the Dutch Cancer Society, is the largest non-profit in the Netherlands focused on the mission of preventing Cancer. A significant portion of their efforts center around a multitude of fundraising events which are held each year to raise awareness and funds to support ground-breaking research and support work. KWF’s 3 aims are less cancer, more cure and a better quality of life for cancer patients.

Key Results

Moved away from legacy spreadsheet system since Fonteva is 100% native to Salesforce

KWF optimized it’s time and now has more accurate data and is GDPR compliant​

Dashboards provided a bigger picture into event and attendee engagement ​

The Challenge

Founded more than 60 years ago, KWF has established a network of 100,000 volunteers across the Netherlands. In order to manage this level of volunteer data, KWF has been working with the Salesforce platform since 2017. Salesforce’s innovative cloud based solution helped the non-profit easily access data and collate overviews.

KWF needed a solution to manage their frequent small to medium sized events, such as hosted dinners and training/research sessions. Prior to Fonteva, their primary tool for managing theses events was Microsoft Excel, which created a litany of very time-consuming tasks, such as list copying; a very risky option on its own that comes with dangers of duplications, lost data, and could even risk non-compliant data practices related to GDPR. All this is exacerbated when you consider the volume related to these efforts with KWF managing over 100,000 contacts. Post event follow up was incredibly lengthy and inefficient with staff having to email attendees just to confirm and track if they attended. This meant that by the time the list was prepared, the momentum had passed before any post event content could be shared, which led to a reduction in its overall impact.

KWF started working with Eventbrite to see if their solution could help. However, as Eventbrite’s solution was not fully integrated with Salesforce; any data that was collected on the platform then had to be transferred back into Salesforce, which made no difference to copying from an excel spreadsheet, like KWF’s previous legacy system. Eventbrite also had no way of tracking duplicates with every event attendee being treated as ‘new’ rather than tracking the events previously attended.

The Solution

KWF needed a platform that was native to Salesforce, one that tracked and managed event attendees in real time to make event follow up simple – that was when KWF was introduced to Fonteva. Knowing what they needed, it only took one demonstration of the events platform for KWF to be convinced that it was the solution to their event management needs. As Henny Bakel, KWF’s Project Manager, states, Fonteva “was everything we missed in Eventbrite and everything we need”. The key attributes KWF loved included the “out of the box” approach to the platform which is something they found as lacking in other CRM solutions.
“Every Non-profit has events and they need a CRM solution for it. Fonteva is a complete match for everything you need”
Henny Bakel, Project Leader
As Fonteva is 100% native to Salesforce, KWF is looking forward to no longer relying on spreadsheets or copying and pasting data. By removing the legacy spreadsheets system, the risk of duplications, errors was also removed and as Henny explains “we’re going to save such an enormous amount of time”. Especially with strict GDPR guidelines, all data will be safe and securely stored on the cloud. Having dashboards that give a complete overview of your event, makes reviewing event attendees simple. As KWF run popular and exclusive events, a key concern was being able to see those attendees that sign up but don’t attend. Having an in-depth view of your attendees, means tracking attendance to ensure a sell-out event. Post-event follow-ups can also be streamlined as Fonteva’s CRM solution simply tracks the sessions so the correct post-event content can be personalised to maximise engagement.

The Bottom Line

KWF, like many others, were relying on multiple spreadsheets to manage all their event data. Whilst everyone knows how to input data into a spreadsheet, data overviews and more importantly data analysis is not something that can be easily achieved on the Microsoft tool.

With Fonteva, KWF’s data is secure, GDPR compliant, their event management streamlined, and all native to salesforce which means KWF can spend more time planning successful events to help prevent and cure Cancer sooner.

Learn More about Fonteva Solutions